Bollywood Gossip: According to some sources, Bollywood Actress Deepika Padukone was recently seen turning shades of red, blue, purple and then black during the outdoor schedule of Break Ke Baad in Mauritius.
And what got this beautiful Bangalore girl to lose her cool? The story says that all of filmmaker Danish Aslam’s young assistants were equipped with walkie talkies. And a couple of them were put in charge of star movements. The extra enthusiastic assistants constantly spoke into their gizmos saying, “Deepika stepped out of van”, “Deepika talking on phone” etc. Now one day, Deepika Padukone stepped out of her makeup trailer and before she could enter the set, she excused herself to use the bathroom. And she accidentally overheard the assistant saying “Deepika Padukone using toilet”.
That did it! The actress flipped and she gave the assistant hell for telling the whole unit that she had taken a few minutes off to use the bathroom. Not only did she reason that it was an intrusion on her privacy, she also thought that the assistants were taking their role of monitoring every moment she made a bit too seriously. After that tantrum, the assistants were more careful about what they said into their walkies! And Deepika Padukone had more freedom to talk into her phone or take a leak!
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